About Us

Reconciliation Takes Action

Connection To Country

This is a spiritual land. We live on the traditional lands of the Kaurna people. We acknowledge their ongoing connection to Kaurna Country and pay our respects to Kaurna elders past, present and emerging. We own our responsibility to heal country and recognize the hurt that has been experienced by previous generations during colonization. We hope to contribute to the Kaurna culture thriving into the future.

Redrawn is committed to reconciliation and will use our public corporate voice to call for constitutional recognition and an enshrined voice to parliament. We seek opportunities to strengthen Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across all traditional lands through our employment initiatives. We hope to heal country with our work promoting sustainable development.

Upskilling To

Change The Face Of Engineering

Our team’s experience is that the engineering sector has historically used merit as a hiring strategy. Merit or meritocracy doesn’t foster inclusion and diversity. Businesses want inclusion but they also want to see equality on a resume.

Redrawn is a social enterprise that bridges the gap so that future candidates have the skills expected of them. Give us some design work and we’ll give the industry better and more, diverse employment options.

Addressing The Skills Shortage With Inclusion

At Redrawn we’ve set out to change the face of engineering by increasing diversity in the engineering sector. We specifically train people who are under-represented in the industry. Redrawn is a safe space for learning and up-skilling people from all walks of life. 

We are training clever, interested and curious people with varied ability, cultural background, family commitments, gender or disadvantage. Our aim is to create a fun work culture in which to teach others drafting, project management and engineering skills in order to achieve a hand up into the energy and industrial sector. 


Striving To Create

A Workforce That Reflects The Community

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Providing A Hand Up

This is Inclusion, Not Charity

Redrawn deliberately operates as a for-profit company. We want to demonstrate that a successful consulting business can be operated using people from all walks of life. If we can make a profit with the people we train, so can the rest of the industry. It is not about tax concessions or subsidies, Redrawn is a profit earning enterprise. With our profits we proudly expand our ability to increase skills and inclusion in the community.

We Offer

Learning Pace Consulting

We are keen and committed to working with you, while fostering diverse employees at a pace that suits their learning.

Redrawn acknowledges that there are many engineering consultancies offering similar services. We are different!

The work we target may seem boring to engineering companies. The work we turn down might suit them well.


We work schedule of rates. We are training people with the deliverables we create. Despite our staff attracting a lower rate, costs can vary depending on where team members are at. We’ll try our best to meet expectations and inform you transparently as your project progresses.


Learning takes time and paitience. Redrawn looks for the right mix of work to suit the team that is available. Tight deadlines or high consequence schedule work doesn’t provide a safe space to learn. If you have lower consequence work you can send to us, we will do our best to deliver what you need. 


All deliverables produced by Redrawn are checked and developed under the supervision of competent and experienced engineers with 12+ years of experience in the heavy industrial sector. Our senior engineers are registered chartered engineers. Items affecting the safety of a plant we design are treated with care during design.

Redrawn is not competing with other engineering firms

We Are Supporting Them

By fostering diverse and skilled employment options

Help Us To Help You!