Experienced engineers support next generation cadets! Redrawn is an engineering, design, and drafting company which is focused on inclusion.
Create a safe space for people to learn new skills
We specifically hire curious people from all walks of life, with varied: ability, cultural background, family commitments, gender, sexual orientation, or disadvantage. It is important for Redrawn to create a space in which all staff feel comfortable, and all staff feel supported to learn new skills. Redrawn aims to be a safe space for all to work and socialise. By safe space we mean:
A psychologically safe space, free from discrimination, bullying or pressure.
A space where staff feel comfortable and included.
A space that is a fun environment for learning.
A space where staff feel comfortable making mistakes and empowered to try new challenges.
A space that is free from the complexities of dating.
A workplace that prioratises work / life balance.
Change the face of engineering
We are specifically working to train the engineering workforce for the future. A diverse group of cadets who are trained with skills to help them gain employment in the engineering sector. Each cadet who goes on to gain employment in a heavy industrial engineering company will ‘change the face of engineering’ over time.
By upskilling people from under-represented minority groups, we empower them to be the candidate that the engineering sector is looking for. Redrawn is setting an example for others in our industry to follow, and we hope that our example will increase the number of diversity and inclusion advocates in the industry.
Striving To Create
A Workforce That Reflects The Community
People With Disability
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
Social procurement is a great way for large organisations to create positive change in the community. Certification as a social enterprise identifies Redrawn as a supplier of professional engineering services that operates for social good. This certification provides third party (audited) assurance that Redrawn is delivering the impact intended. It demonstrates that Redrawn is walking the talk when it comes to inclusion
Changing The Face Of Engineering
Our team’s experience is that the engineering sector has historically used merit as a hiring strategy. Merit doesn’t foster inclusion and diversity, despite businesses saying these values are important to them. Businesses want inclusion but they also want to see equality on a resume.
Redrawn bridges the gap so that future candidates have the skills expected of them. Give us some design work and we’ll give the industry better and more diverse employment options.
Addressing The Skills Shortage With Inclusion
At Redrawn we’ve set out to change the face of engineering by increasing diversity in the engineering sector. We specifically train people who are under-represented in the industry. Redrawn is a safe space for learning and up-skilling people from all walks of life.
We are training clever, interested and curious people with varied ability, cultural background, family commitments, gender or disadvantage. Our aim is to create a fun work culture in which to teach others drafting, project management and engineering skills in order to achieve a hand up into the energy and industrial sector.
Inclusion Not Charity
Redrawn deliberately operates just like any other engineering consultancy, for-profit. We want to demonstrate that a successful consulting business can be operated using people from all walks of life. Profits generated by Redrawn expand our ability to increase skills and inclusion in the community.
Image Caption: Redrawn team members learning Auslan sign language
Redrawn Is Supporting Engineering Firms
By fostering diverse and skilled employment options